Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Party Decor

Man this is really late as baby is now 14 months old but you know the old saying "Better late than never."

So here is the decor minus two banners from my son's first birthday. I was just so busy I wasn't able to take all the photos I would have liked but I have the memories of being with my son that matter. So without further ado here is what I made.

Cupcake Toppers:
These toppers were pieced by hand. Honestly I don't know why I do that to myself but you do what you have to for your child. Since I went with a pool/beach ball theme I matched the toppers to it. I really like the way they came out and thanks to my Cricut Explore Air I didn't have to hand cut all the pieces. Yay!

High Chair Banner:
I gave you all a sneak peek of the high chair banner awhile back but here it is in action. Again my Cricut was used to cut the center banner and number one and I went on pinterest for a tutorial of how to make the tissue paper tassels.

This was one of 3 banners I made which I believe I may have shown the party banner. If not it is on my Instagram. The only banner I did not get a photo off was one that said "Happy Birthday (son's name)". It was a simple banner on a round backing but it came out nice nonetheless. This last banner was also used for my son's cake smash photos. Once again all pieces were cut with my Cricut.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm horrible at keeping up to date with my blog.

My tendonitis has subsided (thank God!) but I haven't really found too much time to craft just yet. One main reason is that most of my craft stuff is no longer in one spot. When we were preparing for my son to arrive we had to turn our spare bedroom in to his nursery. This required us to move almost all items out of that room. Almost all of my craft supplies was moved out. I say almost because I kept half of the closet. I have my paper rack nestled in there and a few other things but the bulk of my supplies is now in other parts of the house. My Cricut Explore Air also remained in the nursery.

My craft desk for example is now in our bedroom and hubby is using it. It's smaller as it has a lift side so it was the better choice for him to use while the crib is in our room. That being said, his desk was left in the nursery and I have to use that one if I want to craft. My desk holds most of my cardstock as well as glue, stamps, Tim Holtz embellishments, etc. Since my desk can't hold all of my cardstock and some patterned papers those are in our linen closet along with some other stamps, embellishments and my Bind-It-All. To finish off the supplies the last of it is in our closet stacked on some shelves. This includes: flowers, die cut pieces, chipboard, bling, and most of my scraps.

So for me to get any decent scrapbooking done I really have to sit and think about what I want to create, gather as much of the supplies I need, then go into the nursery to work on it. FYI, baby doesn't sleep in his nursery yet since the crib is still in our room. That's fine since we will eventually transfer him. Most of the time by the time I gather the items it is getting too late to create. So I will start something then have to clean it all up and put it away until I can get in there again. I can't leave the items out as my son is now tall enough to reach up to the desk and pull things off it.

So that's why you haven't seen me that much. I told you at the beginning this would be hard for me. And I will try to keep posting as much as I can but I may have to change the direction of my posting. As much as I love crafting at this time since I have a baby/toddler (he's not a toddler in my eyes yet!) I want to start posting maybe a few reviews on products or suggestions for baby items. We shall see. Again no promises because I can't always find time to sit and type.

Well that's all for now as I can hear baby stirring and will most likely wake up to nurse again soon. Until next time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

More party decor

So I'm about 5 weeks out until my son's birthday.  Eek! I seriously can't believe he's going to be 1. I don't want him to grow up but he is and I'm happy and sad.  So because the big day is coming I've been a busy mommy and working on decorations for his birthday.  The theme is pool party but I've been primarily focusing on a beach ball for most of the decor. 

Right now I'm working on his high chair banner so I discovered how to make tissue paper tassels.  Now I could post directions on here but to be honest you can just find them on Pinterest. That's what I did.  I didn't want to spend the money on a fabric panner because I know it's going to get dirty.  And I probably won't use the banner again. Plus,  this was cheaper. Since we are a one income family I have to find ways to cut costs and I already had the tissue!

The main focus of the banner is the 1 sign and that is made from cardstock I had on hand.  Again I need to save money as much as I can so I went with primary colors to make his decorations. I'm loving it all. And though the day will bring tears to my eyes they will be sad and happy tears. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Commencing Party Decor

So it's coming down to my son's first birthday. I have about 8 weeks before the big day and it is bringing me both tears and a smile to my face. As I'm overly ecstatic my son is turning one I can't help but be saddened that my baby is no longer going to be a baby anymore. Where did the year go?

With that though I am enjoying planning his birthday party. We aren't breaking the bank on this but I could not pass up an opportunity to create something for my little guy. The theme is pool party/beach balls so I will be creating a few banners and some decor for it. It is an outside event so I can't do too much. The one item I am most excited to create though is the high chair banner. It will be the centerpiece of everything.

Pinterest has given me a few ideas but I always like to give my own twist to everything I see. Also, I have TONS of paper so I really don't want to go out and buy more but try and use what I have. That's going to be the challenge for me: use what you have. I have lots of color and always tend to stock up on cardstock when it is on sale so I don't think I will have a problem. I'm also focusing on primary colors so it should be easy peasy!

With his first birthday coming there is going to be a few more firsts we will cross before we get to the actual event. One is his first haircut. Baby boy was born with a head full of hair and some did fall but he kept most of it. The top part has gotten so long it covers his eyes and ears. We also may see some first steps by the time he turns one. He's been trying to stand all by himself and loves to use his standing walker. We also might get a first word (besides mama and dada) since he has been a vocal machine lately.

I'm loving everything that has happened leading up to this and honestly I'm an excited mama to celebrate his birthday. But if I'm really being honest, I might cry a little. And who can blame me?

Monday, May 22, 2017


The title says it all. I had read that postpartum there were a few things a mother could develop or experience and I've managed to get a few. The biggest downfall (besides the hair loss) has been getting De Quervian's Tendonitis or Mommy Thumb. I've previously been diagnosed with tendonitis in my left wrist but have had the pain double since giving birth. And it is in both wrists now. Some days are better than others but it has become increasingly difficult to type. Even playing a simple swiping game makes my wrists sore. And forget trying to scratch my back. The tendon usually tightens and pops when I reach back or turn my wrist a certain way. It sounds painful and to be honest it is. So I'm going to keep this post short or I'll be paying for it tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be back soon.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Happy International Scrapbooking Day!

Today is the day we celebrate our love and passion for our hobby (and to snag a few discounts from some of our favorite scrapbook companies!). I had hoped to be able to participate in some challenges from other blogs but when you have a 9 month old who is teething and very clingy you can barely use the restroom by yourself. The little guy is in bed so that's why I am able to write this post. I am going to make it quick as there are still a few hours left of iNSD left and if I can get a layout or 2 out I will be happy.

If you want an up to date on what I'm crafting on then I do highly recommend following my Instagram. I also try and post Cricut tips and just show you what I'm working on. Well off to craft my lovelies! Hope you all got a chance to be crafty too!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Worst Mommy Part 2

So I had another "worst mommy" moment last night. Around 3:30 am my son fell off the bed. I quickly shot up at his cries as hubby scooped him up to comfort him. I was dead asleep and so was my son. Hubby was up playing video games.  Now I know you're probably thinking that I should've learned my lesson from before but my son has developed the habit of when he wakes up (even half a wake up) he sits up. It's pretty funny when I feel him move and watch him as he barely has his eyes open and then just kind of plops back down. I think, and I'm not certain since I was sleeping, he groggily sat up but was too close to the edge and fell. He's okay and cried for a bit but no major or minor injuries.

Now a few others may be wondering why he is in our bed. We bedshare/co-sleep/breast sleep or whatever you want to call it. It works for us since he is 99% breastfed and this mommy needs her sleep to stay sane during the day. Now this works for us and honestly I'm not interested in hearing that it could be dangerous and all that negative stuff. This blog is not to lecture anyone on my way of parenting or even to influence others to do what I do. This is just a way for me to share my experiences and crafts with you. Well, the one person who pops in to read. THANK YOU!

That being said I feel horrible that he fell and am now looking in to purchasing bed rails as well as trying to get him to sleep in his crib. Well stay in his crib after I've put him in there. He always starts off in his crib but by 12 or 1 am I am too tired to even try to get him back in it. Truthfully he wakes up to eat and I fall asleep feeding him. So him being in our bed works. At least so this mama doesn't get addicted to caffeine. Again.